葛翔宇,教授,博士,三级教授,数量经济学专业博士生导师,原校学术委员会委员,校理工学部委员会主席。中国数量经济学会理事,中国系统工程学会金融系统工程专业委员会程序委员会委员,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会经济数学与管理数学分会理事, 湖北省数量经济学会常务理事。
2000年8月至2003年3月,昆士兰大学数学物理中心, 博士后研究
1.Xing Li, Xiangyu Ge, Wei Fan, Hao Zheng, Research on Spatial Correlation Characteristics and Their Spatial Spillover Effect of Local Government Debt Risks in China, Sustainability, 2021, 13, 2687 (2021). (SCI&SSCI) 通讯作者;
2. Xiangyu Ge, Zhimin Zhou, Yanli Zhou, Xinyue Ye, Songlin Liu, A Spatial Panel Data Analysis of Economic Growth, Urbanization, and NOx Emissions in China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 15(4), 725 (2018). (SCI&SSCI期刊);
3. Zhimin Zhou, Xinyue Ye, Xiangyu Ge, The Impacts of Technical Progress on Sulfur Dioxide Kuznets Curve in China: A Spatial Panel Data Approach, Sustainability, Vol. 9, 674 (2017). (SCI&SSCI) 通讯作者;
4. Mu Zhao, Xinai Yang, Qi He, Zunrong Zhou, Xiangyu Ge, Quantile Jensen’s inequalities, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2021, 86 (2021). (SCI) 通讯作者;
5.Shuang Li, Shican Liu, Yanli Zhou, Yonghong Wu, Xiangyu Ge, Optimal portfolio selection of mean-variance utility with stochastic interest rate, Journal of Function Spaces, Volume 2020, Article ID 3153297 (2020). (SCI) 通讯作者;
6.葛翔宇, 周智敏, 周艳丽, 城市化、外商投资和产业结构因素对中国环境的影响, 中国环境科学, 2020年第40卷第3期, 1374-1385. (CSSCI&CSCD);
7.葛翔宇, 黄永强, 周艳丽, 交通基础设施投资与经济增长——基于准自然实验的证据,系统工程理论与实践, 2019年第4期, 922-934. (CSSCI&CSCD);
8.葛翔宇, 汪霞, 区城金融效率的测算及其空间差异分析, 统计与决策, 2017年第10期, 162-165. (CSSCI)
1. 博士生导师学术文库:《专利权和专利池的期权定价理论》独著,光明日报出版社(即将出版);
2. 高等院校经济管理类专业经济数学基础系列教材:《微积分》、《线性代数》、《概率论与数理统计》主审, 中国财政经济出版社, 2008;
3. 高等院校统计学专业规划教材:《概率论与数理统计》主编,清华大学出版社(即将出版)
1. Jianming Chen, Na Wei, Yanli Zhou, Xiangyu Ge, Bayesian analysis of population agglomeration and ecological efficiency in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, The Second International Conference on Physics, Mathematics and Statistics, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1324 (2019). (EI);
2. Shican Liu, Yanli Zhou, Yonghong Wu, Xiangyu Ge, Simulation of Stochastic Volatility Variance Swap, Recent Developments in Data Science and Business Analytics, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, 139-147 (2018). (EI);
3. Tifang Ye, Yanli Zhou, Xiangyu Ge, The study of industrial structure change and economic growth in China’s new economic based on optimal control model, Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, Volume 33, Second International Conference on Economic and Business Management (FEBM 2017) (EI);
4. Zhimin Zhou, Yanli Zhou, Xiangyu Ge, Nitrogen Oxide Emission, Economic Growth and Urbanization in China: a Spatial Econometric Analysis, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering301 (2017) 012126 (EI);
5. Yanli Zhou, Xiangyu Ge, Yonghong Wu, Tianhai Tian, Inference of Term Structure Models, 2016 International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things, 553-558 (2016). (EI);
6. 贺青, 葛翔宇, 城市化与城乡收入差距:基于东、中、西部省级面扳数据的研究, 数学的实践与认识, 2015年第10期, 115-123;
7. 葛翔宇, 唐春霞, 周艳丽, 产品发明专利池的定价研究——基于跳扩散实物期权理论的模拟分析, 中国管理科学, 2014年第22卷专辑, 368-374;
8. 葛翔宇,叶提芳,刘诗璨, 足球竞彩app排名通货膨胀、铸币税及福利损失的研究, 21世纪数量经济学第14卷, 社会科学文献出版社,(2014);
9. 贺青, 葛翔宇, 基于远期合约的电力市场博弈分析, 数学的实践与认识, 2014年第11期, 7-12;
10. T.-H. Tian and X.-Y. Ge, Calibration of Stochastic Differential Equation Models Using Implicit Numerical Methods and Particle Swarm Optimization, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control,1105-1110 (2012). (EI);
11. 葛翔宇, 刘松林, 王维, 民营企业的对外贸易与经济增长, 21世纪数量经济学第9卷, 社会科学文献出版社,(2009);
1. 科廷大学访问资助Visiting Fund, Curtin University, Australia, July-August, 2012.
2. 莫纳什大学访问资助Visiting Fund, Monash University, Australia, August, 2012.
3. 科廷大学访问资助Visiting Fund, Curtin University, Australia, July-August, 2014.
4. 莫纳什大学访问资助Visiting Fund, Monash University, Australia, August, 2014.
5. 日本东京大学JSPS研究资助Research Fund, Tokyo University, Japan, November, 2004 to November, 2006.
6. 澳大利亚政府奖学金(EIPRS) Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (1997-2000). This is established by Australian government to bestow excellent PhD applicants to Australian universities all over the world.
7. 澳大利亚昆士兰大学奖学金The University of Queensland Scholarship (1997-2000)